CPEHN is Unionized!

Author Details

Kiran Savage-Sangwan

Executive Director

Big CPEHN News!

CPEHN is thrilled to announce that we are now a unionized employer! At the request of our staff, CPEHN has voluntarily recognized a staff union, Health Equity Advocates Labor United United Auto Workers Local 2103.

Equity is a core value of CPEHN and equity is fundamentally about power. Just as we believe that governments must share power with the people they serve, we believe that worker power advances our collective movement for justice. Organized labor has a long history of strengthening our workplaces and we look forward to negotiating a collective bargaining agreement that centers racial equity and strengthens CPEHN and our ability to pursue our critical mission of advancing health and racial equity.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us!